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Información del Working Paper

Modelling single price area interconnections in the EU electricity market

A. Rodrigues de Oliveira, J. Villar, J.P. Tomé Saraiva, F.A. Campos


The EU Internal Market for Electricity is facing important changes to ensure a smooth transition to a fully decarbonized system by 2050, where non-dispatchable renewable energy sources (RES) have a crucial role to play. To improve market efficiency, RES integration and power system balancing, increasing cross borders interconnections and cooperation among member states are some of the main EU goals. This paper reviews the existing literature and markets models dealing with multi-zone interconnections capacity allocation for energy and balancing reserves, and proposes an inter-zonal capacity allocation mechanism for energy and secondary reserve capacity based on a system costs minimization which has been integrated into the CEVESA market model and applied to a realistic case study.

Resumen divulgativo:

Para mejorar el mercado eléctrico europeo, la integración de renovables y el equilibrio energético por las interconexiones son aspectos relevantes para la UE. Este paper propone un mecanismo de asignación de capacidad interzonal para la energía y la reserva secundaria basado en el modelo CEVESA.

Palabras clave: electricity market, interconnections capacity allocation, market coupling, balancing reserves coordination.

Fecha de Registro: 23/11/2022
